Well, today I am reading through the book for the second time in 2 months and it is changing my life.
God seems to be doing a number on me, page by page. It is difficult to even put into words what I am learning right now. I do intend to revisit this subject and try to express in a future blog what I am learning.
As far as today goes, I just thought I would give you a couple of challenging quotes straight from the pages of Spiritual Authority:
“Whoever has met authority deals purely with authority and not with man. Let us not see the man but only the authority vested in him. We do not obey man but God’s authority in that man.”
“As man’s obedience increases, his actions decrease. When we first begin to follow the Lord we are full of activity but quite short on obedience. But as we advance in spirituality our actions gradually diminish until we are filled with obedience. Many, however, do what they like and refuse to do what they dislike. They never ponder whether or not they are acting out of obedience. Hence many works are done out of self and not in obedience to God.”
“Many consider themselves obedient to God while actually knowing nothing of being subject to God’s delegated authority. He who is truly obedient will find God’s authority in ever circumstance, in the home, and in other institutions…Special attention must be paid each time words of reviling are uttered. Such words should not be idly spoken. Reviling proves that there is a rebellious spirit within; it is the germination of rebellion.”
“Only a fool takes pleasure in the failure of delegated authority. He who dislikes God’s delegate dislikes God Himself. It is the rebellious nature of man that makes him want to obey God’s direct authority without being subject to the delegated authorities God has established.”
“To be an authority is to represent God. Whether it be in wrath or mercy, an authority must always be like God…A delegated authority is supposed to manage affairs for God.”
“A person who has known authority will naturally try to find authority wherever he goes…the Christian will look for and find authority everywhere.”
“Only those who do not know authority are those who wish to be authorities.”
Those of you who know me well know that I am always recommending books. Well, today is no different.
This book is defenitely worth checking out.
This is making me remember that book Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards. The most amazing thing to me in that book was how David would not throw a spear back at Saul even after Saul threw one at him--all because he would not touch God's annointed. Also how he would not kill Saul when he had the chance even though Saul was out to kill him. David obviously had a deep revelation of the fear of God.
After saying all this, I realize how much I need to be reminded of this!
It was fun being on vacation with you and the fam the last week. Those boys are amazing! And Poker rocks! Even more than Mario.
It reminds me of that movie Three Kings with Ice Cube and George Clooney.
My favorite part of that movie is how Ice Cube knows the tensile strength of a particular duffle bag just by looking at it. Classic!
This book is 3% life changing...the other 97% will (apparently) have to be changed by Rob Bell.
You know, Jeansonne, it makes me wonder...you're a "pastory-type" with friends "in the cloth" so to speak I wonder if you ever met Rob Bell and *gasp* were to befriend him if we would have to stop all of our Rob Bell jokes...I mean, I couldn't joke about the Captain that way...
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