So, it turns out that the adoption process can be very fun and exciting and at times discouraging and drawn out. It's been fifteen months since we made our decision to pursue adoption and applied with America World Adoption Agency (AWAA). We spent five months pulling together all of our paperwork, meeting with our social worker and getting all of our ducks in a row. In September 2010 we mailed our dossier to Ethiopia and began the process of waiting. Eight months later, we are still waiting and at present, there does not seem to be an end in sight.
For those who are interested in keeping up with our adoption journey on a regular basis, you can follow us over at our adoption blog here.

So, until we are able to actually meet our Zoe we will continue to wait and while we wait, we will continue celebrate her arrival with ice cream.
And for all of you dads who already hold your're doing a good work that matters greatly. Keep up the good work and don't forget to spend some time eating ice cream with your daughter. Here's a little John Mayer for you.
John Mayer - Daughters (Official Music Video). Watch more top selected videos about: John Mayer
I'm with you bro...we've been thinking about you guys for a while and are anticipating Zoe's arrival with yall. And from a father of two daughters, I can't wait to see you guys holding your own!
And thanks for the great idea, I'm taking my girls out for ice cream this weekend.
Thanks for the post!
Nice. I hadn't seen/heard that video before. Of course, my cell phone is 6 years old too. TA
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