
Friday, August 5, 2011


I was recently reconciled to an old friend after 12 years. I happened upon the lyrics to a song that this friend wrote during the time we did not speak. Twelve years is a long time. It gives people a chance to change, maybe mature and hopefully grow. It changed me. It kind of sucks to lose 12 years and relationship. But reconciliation is quite beautiful and I'm grateful at very deep levels for it.

"But I am older, I am wiser, a whole lot smarter
And I thought it through
And there's been a change in me
Because you must examine all the evidence you can see
And I nailed you down and pinned you up and questioned
Is this love for you enough for me
Cause there's so many good things and true things
And I want to hear them out and see how they play out in me
There's been a change in me, I'm no longer who I used to be
Cause I'm wide open now
I am utterly convinced of you"

The music is much richer when you know the story behind it and even sweeter still when you find yourself in the story.


Suzanne said...

That is one of my most fav. E songs. I t is a sweet thing indeed big:) much love to both of you. S

Pi Man said...

What an interesting blog my friend! I think your brief commentary on this subject(in general)could give way to many volumes, no? Many of us, certainly I, have had what we considered close friendships with others that inexplicably end. I can accept the "end" part, especially when there are explainable reasons for that end. What leaves one in a bewildered state is when a friendship ends for which there is no resolute or concrete reason for the termination. That stings.... Thoughts on that?
A writing known as "A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime" while not perfect, has brought me some insight on this topic (and can easily be found on-line). Thanks for bringing this topic up. TA

brian jeansonne said...

Pi Man - Indeed, I have thoughts on what you said here. The most difficult part however is to admit that I am the one who has left many bewildered by ending friendships with no resolute or concrete reason for termination (other than being hurt).

I will look for the writing that you recommended.