
Friday, March 13, 2015


The four eyed fourth grader
The bookworm in the corner
The fat girl with green hair
The skinny boy with skin fare
Picked last for kickball
First for chess club
These are the nerds, the geeks, the introverts
They wear hand-me downs
Eat mac & cheese
Mind their manners and always say please
They ride the pine, never to play
Hoping that tomorrow is a different day
But their break doesn’t come
The sun sets again
Another day gone
And no one saw them

…Redemption is yours

Invisible to the world around
Hearts broken within
But they hear the sound
Of the ones crying out from the valley below
This isn’t the end and one day you will know
The beauty that’s found in the depths of the soul
Oh the light will shine and the glory revealed
The heartache is gone
And the tears are restored
It was hell while it lasted
A shithole so it seemed
But the story is now and no longer unseen

…Redemption is yours

The ones in the margins
Rejected by all
Are the one’s on the inside
Who learned to stand tall
Hearts full of fire
Love for what’s lost
The ones who could never afford the cost
To sit with the rich kids, or the pack of the cool
For the broken and busted they learn all to well
That the margins are where you can always tell
The make of person is not what is seen
But ultimately is what’s hidden beneath

…Redemption is yours

The lovers of mercy
The one’s fighting for grace
Speaking for the empty
Only to be spat in the face
Their watery eyes are a deep abyss
The cries of their hearts reaching to the depths
They don’t see color or race, left or right
They stand in the margins and they shine their light
On the injustice of a world that is ruled by the might
Of the takers and makers
The strong and elite
The privileged and high class
But never the meek
Humble and silent and strong in heart
They stand on the side and they play their part
They wait for the day when the bell will toll
Spirits are lifted at the call of the roll
When creation looks to the margins
And all take a bow
The time has come
Your time is now

…Redemption is yours.

© Brian Jeansonne 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

This is Your Place

We walk thru city streets torn with war
Where bullets have been married to the gods we adore
Our schools are no longer places where kids can be safe
But now serve as graves filled up by those breathing hate
The cries of mothers for sons swept off into war
And daughter’s now slaves forced to take off their clothes
Stand strong, for this is your place

Our souls cry for peace
Yet our wills can only see thru blood shaded lenses
The smell of death and rage fills our senses
Injustice surrounds and vengeance courses thru our veins
But we know to fight the fight with the same fight
By flexing our might in order to fright
Brings temporary pause but ultimately leads us away from the light
Stand strong, for this is your place

Where the hooker and dealer, the addict and drunk
Where the black man and white cop, the athlete and klutz
Where the dreamers and wannabees, the 6 figures and sluts
Where we meet in that place, face to face and we see
There is no difference between you and me,
For they is we and me is them, there is only one
There is only us
So, stand strong for this is your place

Right here in the middle where blood mixes with tears
When the cries in our hearts fill our deaf ears
We run and we know that this can no longer be
We stand and we fight but our weapon is not
What is used by those who aren’t free
We cannot stand by, we can no longer reciprocate
For when we hate hate with hate
We shall invoke the same fate
A stone heart and blind eyes that cannot see
That if there is no you
Then there is no me

Stand strong, for this is your place.

© Brian Jeansonne 2015